Pet care involving a new pup is very challenging. Even though the pup is delightful to see and admire, taking care of the little live is essential. Do not worry. Here is a complete pet care guide for a pup so they grow up healthy.
Hygienic environment
Cleanliness is a fundamental necessity for pet care involving newborn dogs. The newest additional is kept in a pen or a box for the first few weeks. Their new home must have a sufficient surface area so the mother can stretch with the puppy. Pet care for a newborn involves easy access to the bedding.
The mother will look after the pup in more ways than one, such as cleaning its waste. However, a larger mess may require help from the owner. In the coming weeks, the pup will open their eyes.

A warm setting
Unfortunately, a newborn dog is unaware of their body temperature. It fluctuates and is sometimes life-threatening. Therefore, pet care involves placing a lamp beside the box or the pen. Even though the mother will snuggle with the pup, the lamp is crucial for the first month.
Besides the lamp, early pet care also involves a cold corner where the pets can crawl when they overheat. The temperature in the early days must stay between 85 to 90 F. The owner can reduce the temperature in the coming days with an interval of five.

A strong immunity system
Of course, pet care is incomplete without health. Therefore, the owner must ensure pup or other newborns are not vulnerable to infections. Diseases are also a common threat. If the pup is vomiting or has an irregular waste discharge, immediately take them to a vet.
Besides infections, pups are also affected by fleas. The vet will inject antibodies into their system that will last six to eight weeks. Therefore, ensure your family members disinfect and wash their hands frequently to prevent the transfer of bacteria.

Playing with the pet
Pet care after the initial few tough weeks is very relaxing. The puppies will crawl, open their eyes, and socialize. You can also browse a vast collection of dogs at Petcare here. It will improve the dog’s immunity and aid in building a sharp memory.
Socialization in pet care prevents newborns from anxiety. Therefore, owners are encouraged to play with the dogs. Avoid leaving them alone for too long. The pups will soon begin to enjoy your company. You can slowly take them outside of the house to build ever-lasting memories. It will help the dog adjust too.

Diet and nursing
Pet care for new pups also involves nutrition. The newborns rely on their mothers for food. However, the mother is very tired after giving birth. With their limited inactivity, the pup is receiving fewer calories. Therefore, the owner must focus on the mother for quality nutrition.
The owner must feed the mother repeatedly throughout the day for natal pet care. You can discuss the food intake with the vet. The doctor will recommend the brand, amount, and food for the nursing mother. They will discuss pet care health supplements if necessary.

Shop at Petcare today
Petcare has all the toys for your furry friends. The wholesaler provides pet care accessories to online businesses and physical stores. The online store focuses on toys that promote health and happiness. You can follow Petcare on Facebook and Instagram for updates.