Buying multiple cat scratchers in NZ is a surefire way to meet your feline’s scratching needs and save your furniture

Why it makes sense to use multiple cat scratchers in NZ

Scratching is a natural part of the feline’s normal exercise routine and an instinctual urge to mark their territory. Sometimes, cat scratching is related to anxiety or expressing emotions when excited. But mostly, cats love doing it to get rid of old claw sheaths, engage with the surroundings after a nap or have some fun.

From a homeowner’s perspective, scratching may look like naughty behaviour, but it isn’t. Whether maintaining their nail health, territorial comfort or natural activity levels, felines have no intent to damage your belongings. Still, the fun shouldn’t come at the cost of your curtains or furniture – all you have to do is redirect your kitty’s actions to a safer zone with a cat scratcher in NZ.

Consider buying a few different ones for better results.

Buying multiple cat scratchers in NZ is a surefire way to meet your feline’s scratching needs and save your furniture
Let your pet select their favourite cat scratcher in NZ

Just like a cat in the wild may have several scratching spots, so is your indoor-only fur friend. That’s why the optimal way to encourage healthy scratching behaviours is to provide multiple options.

Keep several posts and boxes around the house – preferably in the spots or next to the objects your cat tends to claw. It might take some trial and error to figure out your kitty’s scratching preferences and teach your fur baby to see cat scratchers in NZ as an attractive alternative to furniture or carpeting.

Trees, wall-mounted pads and posts are usually a hit with pets, but they can be a miss – one feline might like vertical surfaces, another might not. Therefore, it is better to buy more than just one cat scratcher in NZ to prevent your kitty from shredding furniture. When choosing the products, pick those that replicate the material and texture that your feline likes to claw, such as:

  • Wood
  • Carpet
  • Fabric
  • Sisal rope

Buying multiple cat scratchers in NZ is a surefire way to meet your feline’s scratching needs and save your furniture
Multiple cat scratchers in NZ for multi-cat households

Every cat has their own preferences and a favourite clawing area they may not want to share. So, if you have two cats or a bigger furry family, it’s important to have sufficient alternative scratching options – better too many than not enough!

Placing designated posts or other textured surfaces in front of what your felines like to scratch is the best way to redirect their claws and minimise the damage. Many cat scratchers in NZ come with attractive toys to encourage their use through play. Besides, catnip spray is another convenient method for luring your pets to new posts and forming more appropriate habits to keep their paws off household objects.

Be sure to select sturdy, size-appropriate items that stay in place and won’t topple over. With an abundance of shapes, vertical and horizontal designs, materials and textures in pet stores, opting for a new cat scratcher in NZ for your furry friend can be so much fun! Some are so trendy and adorable that they can easily double as decor items in your interior.

Check them out here!

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